There was a time I spoke frequently in public. At the end of the engagement, if Ron was there, I would ask him the inevitable questions that came no matter where we were—
Did my voice shake?
Did I come across relatable?
Was my message clear?
now, no matter the circumstance of my life, I’ve decided the best gift is not perfection but my determination to be real.
Tonight, I find myself looking out at an ocean view. Dark clouds. Waves as restless as my spirit. Yet there they are, relentless and eager in their pursuit of shore.
Is it obvious that I have entered my own season of what feels like an endless seeking of solid ground?
This is my second of twenty-two days and over 300 treatments, some foreign even to the one who has dabbed her toe in the land of what some call, “woo-woo," for as long as I can remember. Now I profess [somewhat proudly], I have made that woo-woo my permanent home.
Like the good founder of Sanctuary Living that I am, I have need to nest into my more temporal surroundings as if cozying up on the sofa with a treasured friend. This is one of the first trips where I believe my anal behavior of unpacking every item brought along is worth it: Twenty-four days away from my beloved husband warrants a little "tucking in."
for my room, Tomorrow, I will find a moment to seek out a perfectly stunning little bouquet.
If I am anything, I am about what the soul craves.
To me, it's obvious that we are not a body driven by necessity but Spirit hungry to come out to play.
The day I arrived, I felt what can only be described as “guilty” at having a front row seat to those pounding, unending waves. But then I remembered why I am here and what I will endure, and I thought, with a little mischief, it just might be fair trade.
My Creator, in all His planning, He still catches me off guard with how He loves in a language of rapturous, ravenous beauty that fights to keep the spirit within me nurtured and engaged.
"Isn’t it obvious," He never tires of saying—
"How I believe in you despite your questions and your doubt,
how I prop you up in moments when you feel you are at the end of yourself,
how I go before you through doors with hard things waiting on the other side,
how I adore you even though this is not what you believed life would be about?"
Every day 10,000 people don’t wake up around the world. And yet there are millions who roll over, take a breath, and have no idea how to really live.
Is it obvious that your life is tethered to something more important than what mind and body desire?
Is what you believe, preach, or teach evident on the outside?
Is there something you are hiding from yourself that you desperately need to know?
Is the love you have to give the world as obvious as your anger, disappointment or grief?
I have traveled thirty-three hundred miles to find a way back to myself. Or is it, perhaps, that this journey is more about becoming something altogether new?
No matter the intention, this “healing” is more than where my arms and legs begin and end.
Whatever is inside of me…meant for me…entrusted to me…
With all my heart, I want it to be obvious.
NOTES—There was a time that I believed it was enough to simply know something. But knowledge without application is sometimes more detrimental than never knowing at all.Shouldn’t what we know—not only what is intrinsic and intuitive but what we learn and experience—be obvious in how we share ourselves with the world?There are things imbedded in us [important, essential, life-giving things] that are meant to be shared. These things, if allowed to lay dormant within, become like cells withering, little cancers that steal away the very best of who we are.Is who you are obvious?If there is a passion within you, now is the time to set it free.AS PROMISED, A LITTLE LESSON ALONG THE WAY[There will be much more sharing about all the treatments I am undergoing, I promise, so be patient with me.]PROVIDED BY POPULAR REQUEST...MY TOP VEGGIES FOR STAYING ALIVE]Egg plantGreen beansCauliflowerWatercressCeleryArugulaCabbageBok ChoySpinachBell PepperKaleMushroomsSwiss ChardZucchiniRadishBroccoliBrussel Sprouts