This is not my natural habitat. Sand, made even stickier from rain the night before, clings to glossed lips, bare back and hair and I am more aware of everything lying still even while my insides stir.

Give me a project, like raking seaweed from the sand. This is where my restless spirit resides, in the presence of necessary things that call to a purpose that requires me to be available, alert, upright.

Those of us who have forsaken convention and conformity, who’ve come here to buy ourselves more time, have little use for minutes unscheduled and unaccounted for in our lives.

We are the project makers—the business owners, flower farmers, hospital nurses, designers and writers turned juicing experts, colonic journalers, and ozone advocates now discovering we were proficient in nearly everything except the care and feeding of ourselves.

This is the part where I take my fingers off the keyboard and release the deepest sigh. The question must be asked, with all the projects that I clung to with unbridled fascination, why was I not one of them?

For those who seek purpose in perpetual motion, can we exist in concert with the notion that there is no shame in rest?

For those who derive fulfillment in work, can we give ourselves permission to find it also in our play?

For those who are curious about everything, can we become more intrigued with the innerworkings of ourselves?

This vast unknown of 600,000 miles of veins and arteries and thirty trillion cells...

It is the all of everything.

One body carrying a thousand iterations of who I am, chasing multitudes of dreams and hopes, through a collection of extraordinary years.

Mine is now to release the burden, to at all costs lighten the load.

To anchor into the sacredness of this moment. 

To make peace with the waves at my feet and sand in my hair.

Bonjour. I just wanted to call your attention to the GoFUNDME page that has been created to support Janene as she undergoes treatment for Uterine Cancer. Each week, Janene pours out her heart and love for us and this GoFUNDME support page gives her readers the opportunity to say thank you and to extend some encouragement to her as well. If you would like to show Janene some love this Sanctuary Saturday, you can do two things. First, leave a comment below about what stood out to you from today's journal entry and secondly, use the link below to visit the GoFUNDME page.

May God Bless you,



GoFUNDME - Janene Kraft, Medical Treatment Foundation


