“In the beginning was the word…
And the word became flesh.”

Ideas with skin on. That’s what design is.

We transport what is in us to the living world.
There can be no beauty where its origin doesn’t exist.

This is the framework for everything I am. The belief that we write and speak our world into being.
Pencil in hand, the conversation transpires between what is imagined and made real.

Sanctuary Living is the manifestation of who we are [our interior design] brought forward in the world. 
The soul-filled environment depends on this revelation.

I write to find my way forward and in—to connect with myself, with what surrounds me and, most importantly, with you. There is this essential relationship  between what is “spoken” and designed. Me. From within. Manifested.

I’m reminded that the word Manifest literally means,
“The dancing hands of God.” Like fingers flying over keyboard or pencil gliding across the page,  the hand is the eager messenger of the soul…

And soul is everything.
Writing is where I start, the verbal apprehends the moment to bring the visual to life.

Words, dancing across the page, bring definition and focus. There is nothing haphazard about what is created from what is envisioned, thought-through, intended.  

Imagine a book without a story. Before paper and binding, the narrative must first be molded and clarified.

I’ve often wondered if those of you who read the journal make the connection between my stories and my design and how both impact you in ways you may have never imagined. These worlds are impossible to tease apart, they are intricately intertwined. Our stories are our point-of-entry to the world. They are both context and explanation, teaching us [on surprising levels] what we consistently value and love.

First, the word. Then, the design.

Creating that sense of soul we all crave has nothing to do with what’s on the outside. Soul manifests in—

Turning away from the superficial, digging in, digging deep

Looking eye-to-eye with the things about yourself you don’t like

Asking yourself the hard questions about why you do the things you do

Giving up the thoughts and things that are no longer useful in your life

Being willing to go against the grain, stand out, be misunderstood

Being open to new ideas, letting go of beliefs that hold you back

Adopting a willingness to wait for something better

Embracing that God delights in beauty for its own sake

Relating to your surroundings as an extension of who you are

These are the themes that are consistent in my writing and my life.
These are the mandates we start with when we work together to transform yours.

“In the beginning”…what a breathtaking place to start.

A fresh idea.
A new perspective.
A little hope.


