Transforming the spaces that surround us and the ones within.



My mastery over the past twenty two years is the condition of the heart and how it informs our spaces. My clients would say my passion has always been not only designing beautiful spaces…but breathtaking lives.

Most recently, my cancer journey has made me curious about the health of every cell. I am not defined by my cancer but I can’t ignore how it has contributed in profound ways to the creation of a life I never expected. An expansive, lean in, transformative one.

Life. How we live it. That’s what Sanctuary Living is passionate about to the core.

In every home there dwells this marvelous potential to become a Sanctuary - not merely in renovating spaces, but through the transformation that begins in us.

Let’s work together to create the life you long for, body/mind/SOUL.

Much Love,

Janene Kraft

Welcome to the latest entries in The Journal—
A deep dive into the interiors within us.